I want to share this work with others.

Inservices, staff trainings, school workshops:

If you are interested in any of these workshops for your agency or school, please contact Vivian using the contact form on this website.

  1. Trauma and the Classroom: learn how to identify, respond to, and mitigate traumatic behaviors that show up in the classroom. This is actually a fun filled training with exercises and activities that prepare teachers to address the impact of trauma on their students. Full of helpful information, and practical advise.
  2. Introduction to Emotional Freedom Technique: Stress reduction is a finger tap away! I offer the background and science behind EFT and how to use this interesting technique to address the stress response. Appropriate for schools, counselors, private practices, social worker agencies.
  3. Understanding the Window of Tolerance: Have you wondered why certain people have stronger reactions to events that others? This is a terrific overview of the WOT and how to widen our tolerance, and also understand our nervous system. Appropriate for counselors and social workers, agencies that serve mental health populations.


Empowerment Coaching and Emotional Abuse Recovery

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Are you exhausted and discouraged with your relationships? Would you like to stand up, speak up, but are afraid other’s won’t listen or care?

Perhaps, somewhere along the way, you veered off course, or feel other’s have let you down. Maybe you’ve never truly heeded your inner voice. Many individuals dedicate their lives to others, ensuring their loved ones have every opportunity to succeed, while neglecting their own dreams and aspirations.

This place of vulnerability can leave you posed for toxic and abusive relationships. It is hard to believe that your care and compassion for others can leave you vulnerable. Although unfair, and the path feels difficult, it is a place we can grown from. I am here for the journey from victim to survivor. And then… to THRIVER!

“The view from a place of healing is worth the climb.”

If this resonates with you, I have a program meticulously designed exclusively for YOU!

“There isn’t always a choice, but when there is,


If you are interested in Empowerment Coaching, please indicate this on your contact page. I can offer empowerment coaching to anyone, regardless of where they are located. I am excited to help you more towards the vision you have for yourself.